It's my pleasure today to welcom Zara Stoneley on my blog. She recently releaed her first novel with Harper Impulse (August 14th 2014). Find out more about her book Stable Mates and how she found her inspiration for the novel.

Flirting and fun seem the perfect antidote for Lottie's battered heart, and where better to find them than back in tranquil Tippermere, home of sexy eventer Rory Steel, the smiling Irish eyes of hunky farrier Mick O'Neal, and mysterious newcomer, model Tom Strachan?
But when landowner Marcus James drops dead unexpectedly, and the threat of his waggish wife Amanda selling the heart of the village out from under them looms large, things look like they're about to heat up in and out of the saddle.
With tensions running high, and the champagne flowing as freely as the adrenalin, is it any wonder that love catches more than one of them unawares?
More information about this book: / Goodreads
People and places, the inspiration for Stable Mates by Zara Stoneley
I’ve always had itchy feet. Even when I was a little girl I didn’t want to stay in the same place for long – I wanted to travel, find new places, explore a different side of life.
Going to University was a great new adventure – an opportunity to move out of a small town and into a big city. And when I graduated I had the best of both worlds. I bought a country cottage surrounded by fields, and worked for a multinational company that sent me all over the country. I could have my trees and my skyscrapers! Some days were about my horse and dogs, my slow country living. But on others I woke up to fast city living, the hustle and bustle, the buzz of a place that doesn’t sleep.
And yet, I always returned to my first true love, the countryside.
And it’s been a bit that way with my writing. In my mind, with my words, I’ve travelled. I’ve written about all kinds of characters, living in all kinds of places, with all kinds of stories to tell – but now I’ve come home. The countryside started to creep into my books, horses and dogs found their way into my character’s lives… My writing started to edge its way towards the type of tale I’ve always loved to read.
Which is where characters like Lottie and Pip came from – so different, from opposite ends of my life spectrum. The type of people I’ve grown up with, worked with, experienced life with.
And now? My writing has come home, but have I? I’m living in the countryside, I’ve got my pets, my trees and open spaces, but I’ve not yet hung up my hat in one place for good. My other half has an apartment in Barcelona, so that’s where I head for a change of scene. The sea, the buzz of city living, new sights and smells…
Stable Mates has its countryside, and it has its glamour. Its serious side and its humour. It has the best of both worlds – just as I have :-)
Thank you so much for inviting me here today!
Bestselling author Zara Stoneley lives in deepest Cheshire surrounded by horses, dogs, cats and amazing countryside. When she’s not visiting wine bars, artisan markets or admiring the scenery in her sexy high heels or green wellies, she can be found in flip flops on the beach in Barcelona, or more likely sampling the tapas!
Zara writes hot romance and bonkbusters. Her latest novel, ‘Stable Mates’, is a fun romp through the Cheshire countryside and combines some of her greatest loves – horses, dogs, hot men and strong women (and not forgetting champagne and fast cars)!
She writes for Harper Collins and Accent Press.
Find out more about Zara:

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