I am Em, and I am a book blogger, a part time geek and lover of tea and lipstick :)
Where do we find your blog and how long have you been blogging / reviewing?
I blog over at www.afternoonbookery.blogspot.com and I have been blogging over a year now. I used to be a beauty blogger, but I found my true calling in book blogging!
How do you overcome a reading slump?
I read something I really want to read, or I take a clean break for a few days. Sometimes it's because I have read a brilliant book and nothing compares so I tend to give myself time to recover from the said book.
Do you have a certain 'style' when it comes to organizing your books eg alphabetical, best-worst?
No, my shelves are just split into to read, and read at the moment I hope to get them organised at some point.
What is your fave 'classic' book that you have read and why?
Jane Eyre is my favourite. I'm not sure why, I just adore it.
What's the most you have spent or would spend on a book?
Personally? Im not too sure. I would spend up to 50 on a beautiful limited edition though.
Which book takes you back to being a teenager?
Girls out late. I adored them books and read them all through my teens.
What are some of your favorite things about blogging and what don’t you like about it?
I love finding new books, and I love chatting to people that adore them as much as me. I'm not sure what my least favourite bit is, probably formatting a post?
Are you more likely to trust a review by someone you know or by a journalist/blogger?
I trust book blogger reviews but also friends, and in fact if a stranger reccomends me a read, I'll still read it.
Which book do you consider underrated and under-read (people don't read it as much)?
The Sorcha Grace (soon to be) Trilogy doesn't get raved about enough in the erotica world, and I adore it.
Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions Emily. It was great to have you on my blog! Who will be next? Come and see next friday.

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