Blog Tour: Before You by Kathryn Freeman (+ giveaway)


Name: Before You
Author: Kathryn Freeman
Format: ebook
Pages: 346
Release date: June 21st 2016
Publisher: Choc Lit


When life in the fast lane threatens to implode …

Melanie Hunt’s job working for the Delta racing team means she is constantly rubbing shoulders with Formula One superstars in glamorous locations like Monte Carlo. But she has already learned that keeping a professional distance is crucial if she doesn’t want to get hurt.

New Delta team driver Aiden Foster lives his life like he drives his cars – fast and hard. But, no matter how successful he is, it seems he always falls short of his championship-winning father’s legacy. If he could just stay focused, he could finally make that win.

Resolve begins to slip as Melanie and Aiden find themselves drawn to each other –with nowhere to hide as racing season begins. But when a troubled young boy goes missing, everything is thrown into turmoil, including Aiden’s championship dream.

My thoughts

I kindly received Before You in exchange of an honest review by the author.

When I read Before You was set in the world of Formula 1 I was so head over heels to read it! Since Chasing Daisy (by Paige Toon) I was looking for similar stories. I LOVE Formula 1. I am a fan of motorsport since I was a little kid. So I was hopeful this novel would give some insight to the world of Formula One and it does, brilliantly, and I loved it.

From Brazil to Italy, from Melbourne to Monte Carlo, life passes in a dizzying whirlwind. But nothing - and no one - can stop Melanie from falling again...this time for a man who is prepared to risk his life, and his heart, for the sake of speed, danger and ultimate success.

Kathryn Freeman is a great story teller. I love the way she writes. When I'm read her book I immediately feel at ease. It makes me want to read on and on and I don't want to stop. The flow of the book was really upbeat, really good pace, not dull and draggy. I loved how Kathryn describes city after city, which I found really real and had to refrain myself from packing my luggage and off to the airport to follow the rush of adrenalin Formula 1 has to offer!

One of the main (and best) features of this book is the glamorous destinations along the way during the Grand Prix season. Australia. Monte Carlo. Malaysia. Singapore. Bahrain. China. Sao Paolo. Having been to a few of the locations myself it is really easy to imagine being back there which just confirms how well Kathryn Freeman has written them. It was great to read all the behind the scenes action from the Formula 1 world, when I think of Formula 1. This made me think of all the people behind all of that, those who make the whole thing possible. I was really glad I received this book and had the chance to read what Kathryn has to offer.

I loved how down-to-earth and humble Melanie was, she's a real chick lit heroine, if you ask me. I warmed up to this lovely heroine immediately. Aiden was an interesting character too. He is struggling with the situation that he is compared to his father, 5 times F1World Champion, who died when he was really young. It was great to see how he changed over the course of the book. I liked the interaction between Aiden and his step brother, for me that was the biggest strength of the story.

I liked reading every page and think this is a perfect romantic book for the summer. This book has it all, it's cheerful, it's warm, it's special, it's loving, it's touching and it's sweet and racing, a fantastic combination that works really well. I NEED MORE BOOKS LIKE THIS.

4.5 cupcakes for Before You

More information about this book: Amazon UK / Amazon US / Goodreads
More information about the author: Website / TwitterFacebook / LinkedIn

I was born in Wallingford but have spent most of my life living in a village outside Windsor. After studying pharmacy in Brighton I began working life as a retail pharmacist, quickly realising that trying to decipher doctor’s handwriting wasn’t for me. I left to join the pharmaceutical industry where I spent twenty happy years working in medical communications. My life long love of reading romance often led me to wonder if I could write about it, too. If only I had the time.

In 2010 I made a New Year resolution to make that time, and started my first book. It was surprisingly easy to stick to, because I enjoyed writing so much. In 2011, backed by my family, I left the world of pharmaceutical science to begin life as a self employed writer, juggling the two disciplines of medical writing and romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it’s the reaction to a hunky hero…

With two teenage boys and a husband who asks every Valentine’s Day whether he has to bother buying a card again this year (yes, he does) the romance in my life is all in my head. Then again, my husband’s unstinting support of my career change goes to prove that love isn’t always about hearts and flowers – and heroes can come in many disguises.

A paperback copy of Search for the Truth (open internationally)



1 Kommentare

  1. I'm so touched by your lovely review, Isabell, and so thrilled you enjoyed it. It makes me want to write another book set in that world....I just need to think of a plot :-). Thank you so much for taking the time to read and write this review, it means so much xx
