Thank you for having me! Hello, my name is Katie. I'm 25 years old and I live in Lancashire, England with my boyfriend, Stewart and kitten, Dobby. I currently work full time in retail and I run my own blog! On my blog you can find book reviews, movie reviews, recommendations, tag posts, hauls, lifestyle posts, DIY, discussions and so much more!
Where do we find your blog and how long have you been blogging / reviewing?
You can find my blog at this address:
I'd consider myself still a newbie blogger, as I've not quite hit a year mark yet. I've been blogging since 26th February 2014! I'm just now embarking on my first big blog project with my friend Abbey (from missbookworm reviews) called Festive-Blog-Athon, which is a countdown to christmas celebrating all things festive (with lots of giveaways too!)
Describe a typical day in your life!
I honestly don't have a 'typical' day because my job requires flexibility. For example, for the last 3 days I began work at 5am, but other days I may be working shifts that start in the evening and finish late. I work blogging and such around my crazy work schedule. So for that reason, I'll describe a typical day off for you. I'll have a cheeky lie in, and then get up and ready for the day. I'll feed the Dobby-monster and then myself. I'll do a load of laundry, and straighten up any areas that have been neglected during my working days. Then I'll either write up a blog post, read a book, watch a movie or go and see family and friends.
How important is a book's cover to your overall impression of it?
I hate to admit it but I do think a book cover is important to me picking up a book. An eye-catching beautiful cover will grab my attention and I'll be encouraged to read the blurb to see what it is about. Once I've read the book, it wouldn't matter how splendid the cover was because the content (hopefully) would more than make up for a cover I dislike. If I was to read a book blind, and then afterwards see a cover I didn't like, it wouldn't change how I felt about its content.
Which books have you read in the past month that still has you thinking back to the storyline and the characters?
This is an easy question for me, the book that sprang immediately to mind is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I recently went to see the adaptation in cinemas (and shamefully I hadn't read the book) and when I got home I cracked the book open and couldn't put it down! It's an incredible read, I'd definitely recommend it. I did a review on my blog so you can read what I thought in more detail there, but it's a must read in my opinion.
Have you written a book yourself or are you planning to in the future?
I did my degree in Creative Writing and Film Studies, and for my degree I had to produce a number of pieces of fiction, poetry, and scriptwriting. I have never really written my own book, and I honestly probably will never get round to it. If I was going to produce something in the future it would be a script. I adored scriptwriting, and I'm more of a visual writer and I love dialogue.
What classic books do others rave about but you didn't get?
Sadly, I've not really read my 'classics', but I guess I would have to say Call of Cthulu by H. P. Lovecraft. I had to read it as part of my degree, and it pained me to finish it. Just not for me, at all!
Which book takes you back being a teenager?
Many books take me back to my youth (I'm only 25, but it's been a long time since I was a teenager), but one that springs to mind is Trouble by Non Pratt. It reads very true, all the dialogue and plot brought me back to highschool and I felt 15 again. It brought me back in a good way, rather than making me feel old.
Do you have a book with a location that you HAD to visit after reading the book?
Any book that's set in New York! I have been once, and every time I read a book set in that location I wish I was boarding a plane to go there and walk the streets.
Do you visit the same blogs each week or do you branch out and try to find new blogs?
I do love finding new book bloggers, because I love seeing and reading different opinions and interests. But, I do follow a lot on bloglovin' so I can keep up with my favourite bloggers posts. A bit of both then. More the merrier!
Share a book blogging tip!
Don't put so much pressure on yourself that reading or blogging becomes a chore. There is nothing worse than your hobby or passion becoming a burden or stressful. It's supposed to be fun! Enjoy it!
Lastly, why do you love reading so much?
I love escapism, and meeting new people, and every time I open a new book I get just that. I love drama and suspense (without wanting it in my own personal life), and I love that I can live vicariously through other characters without leaving my couch.
There is that famous quote by George R.R. Martin, "A reader lives a thousand lives before they die. The person who never reads lives only one." -- and I'm all for living many lives.
you so much for taking time to answer my questions Katie. It was
great to have you on my blog! Who will be next? Come and see next

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