2014 Round up // Favourite books of 2014
Wow, what a year this has been. I can't believe 2014 is about to end. On 6th December 2014 I celebrated my first anniversary of my blog. I'm very happy that I decided to start blogging on Dreaming With Open Eyes. It's been a wonderful year. When I started blogging I had no idea what to expect. The more time passed the more I learned about book blogging, the community and publishers. I somehow made my way through it. Ordering a professional layout for my blog was one of the best decisions I made. I'm still utterly happy with and I can't stop staring at it. Again a huge thank you to Jenny of Magic Feather Design. Another thing I am very happy about is I bought myself a kindle in the beginning of the year which also was a brilliant decision. I still love paperbacks but I never thought I will prefer reading a digital copy to physical copy. I makes my reading flow so much easier and I read the books so much quicker. I love my kindle!
I have to admit, this year has not always been easy for me. Despite the good times I had with blogging I also had doubts and concerns about my blogging, thoughts about giving up. There were times when it was all too much for me. I put too much pressure on myself to keep up with everyone else. I thought my reviews will never be good enough. I got jealous of other book bloggers who received tons of book post and invitations to blog tours. I think anyone feels like that sometimes, especially as a non UK blogger. I have a nine to five day job which makes it impossible to compete myself to the people who have a lot of time for reading. It frustrates me when I hear people read two or three books a week when I sometimes only managed to read one.
Luckily I found my own way now. I do it my way and I try not to let me bother anything else. I'm glad I didn't give up on blogging. I don't read the most up to date books all the time. I have dozen of paperbacks I have bought over the years and they are all waiting to be read. I'll try to find a good mix of review copies and my own books. The good parts of book blogging definitely outweigh the bad ones. First of all I met dozen of lovely people on Twitter. Let it be authors, publicists or book bloggers. You are all a wonderful bunch of people and I appreciate your support so much. Even when I don’t thank you all the time, it means the world to me. Thank you for all your bookish chats and friendship.
One of the greatest things I've seen about the comminity is that you stick together and support each other unconditionally. I also had the chance to meet a lovely blogger in person. It’s been wonderful to meet you Simona, I hope we can meet up in 2015 again. Another thing I am quite overwhelmed with is the number of books I read this year. I read 84 books (reviewed the most of them). I don’t know how many books I read in 2013 but I am sure it’s not even the half of it. I know many of you bloggers have read between 100–200 books which is quite amazing but I am proud of my number too.
I'm looking forward to go on a new journey in 2015 full of book blogging and reading.
Looking at the list of the books I’ve read this year, it’s been very easy for me to pick my favourites of 2014. I'll do them in no special order because them are all incredibly amazing in their own way.
Safe & Sound
A beautiful debut novel by T.S. Krupa. Safe & Sound follows a yearlong journey of love, loss, friendship, and conquering the unexpected. That truly describes the book at it's best. Once I was in the sory it was very hard for me to put this book down. It was an emotional read straight from the start. Left me several goosebumbs, teary eyes, giggles and big smiles on my face. Safe & Sound is a must read for all romance fans. Highly remcommended.
Read my full review here.
A Gift to Remember
A heart-warming and well-written story set in New York during the run-up to Christmas. Within the first couple of pages I fell head over heels for the storyline and Melissa Hills writing. It's truly magical. I couldn’t find any negative points to this book. I adored it from the first to the last page. It is everything I look for in a great easy chick-lit style read.
Read my full review here.
Written in the Stars
Ali Harris is a natural born story-teller who’s books I have completely fallen in love with. Her stories, although enjoyable in their own right, always come with important messages which you will take away with you and remember long after you’ve put the book down. Overall an all-round amazing book. I can't wait for more.
Read my full review here.
The Accident
This book left me speechless. I was gripped from the start to the very end. C.L. Taylor has created a cleverly structured storyline with a cast of such convincing characters and the intrigue and plot twists will really mess with your mind. The story builds, the pace quickens and the suspense is quite electrifying. My heart was beating fast, I hold my breath and nearly forgot how to breath. Incredibly convincing, The Accident is a gripping read that will stay in my head for a long time. The Accident is waiting to blow your mind - go for it! // Read my full review here.
Waiting For Prince Harry
After a few chapters I was absolutely in love with the story. I laughed out loud, smiled and squealed. I've read in every free minute. On the bus on my way to work, lunch break, on my way home and more. I devoured this book the past two days. The book left a huge smile on my face when I turned around the last page. What an incredible fresh, uplifting, funny and sexy story with plenty of feel-good moments.
Read my full review here.
What Happend in Ireland
One word to describe this book: WOW. I absolutely loved this novel from the first page on. I couldn't put this book down. I found myself turning page after page. I didn't want it to end. Jack and Kate's story was a refreshing romance. This book involves a perfect mixture of romance, drama, steamy scenes and a beautiful setting. Whitney decribes Ireland beautifully. During my staying in Ireland I have been to Kerry once. It's one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. I know the places Whitney is writing about and that made the story so real for me. // Read my full review here.
I laughed, I smiled, I cried, I cheered, it was just wonderful. The story is told from both characters point of view which I really enjoyed. Overall, a really lovely read. I highly recommend this book. Easy to read and easy to become totally involved in. A complete distraction from the dullness of real life. Funny, charming, great characters. Predictable and cheesy with stereotypical cliches but a great read with a satisfying feel-good factor.
Read my full review here.
Ignoring Gravity
The story is very well written, emontinal and very captivating. Danby is a fantastic storyteller and she knows how to really make you feel the emotions of the character. I enjoyed reading the story out of Rose and Lily's point of view. The writing style, the characters, the story and all of twists that are thrown in make the book a delight to read. I was intrigued in the book from the very first few pages. Ignoring Gravity is a wonderful page tuner. I was rooting for Rose through the whole book. A thoroughly enjoyable read , I highly recommend this book. // Read my full review here.
A Christmas to Remember
Jenny has done it again! I loved Jenny's previous novels Coming Home For Christmas and Love Me For Me and also loved A Christmas To Remember. With A Christmas to Remember she has done another brilliant job and created such a magical chrismassy fell good read with full of heart. In A Christmas to Remember Jenny Hale's writing is outstanding, her writing style at it's best.
Read my full review here.
Before Jamaica Lane
Sensitive. thrilling and hot! Loved it from the first to the last page.

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