I’m very happy to welcome you on my blog! You can please introduce yourself to my readers.
Hey lovelies, I'm Tay, firstly I would just like to say a huge thank you to Isabel for having me. Well I run chicksthatread.com a site that is basically everything to do with books. I am 23 a mum and obsessed with reading, I have loved reading ever since my mum gave me her copy of Jane Eyre I was hooked ever since, getting lost in magical worlds made of words is my favourite past time.
Where do we find your blog and how long have you been blogging / reviewing?
You can find my blog at chicksthatread.com I started blogging 5 months ago (Not long at all I know) I woke up one day and thought you know what I'm going to stop telling my boyfriend about the books I've read and start telling as many people as I can. I love books and everything to do with them so when I started blogging I thought, I would be lucky to hit 10 views, but today Chicks That Read pulls in over 10000 views a month! This still shocks the hell out of me but I strive to bring booky goodness to the world and I love doing what I do.
Where do you hope to see your blog going on the following year?
Well I have just started doing blog tours, I have 3 amazing tours booked already, at the moment my services are all free from promo drives to tours everything I do is free, hopefully as I gain more contacts and gain more confidence I can progressively grow Chicks That Read and get to organise more amazing tours.
My bookshelfie well this is awkward, My books are in boxes, I know heartbreaking I know but at the moment my daughter sleeps in my room and she loves looking at mummy's books and adding her very own illustrations so I have just the books that I am currently reading on my desk so I will show you that!
Do you feel pressured to read 'classics' or do you just pick what takes your fancy?
I have read most of the classics, but I only tend to re read, Sherlock Holmes and Jane Eyre as they are my favourite, but at the moment I read books that I have been sent, from publishers, authors. I have to prioritise my books, when I get a quiet week I will read a book that I have just chosen and that has just jumped out at me!
If you do buy books then where do you buy most of them from? Supermarket, indie bookshops, amazon etc?
Well I read a lot on my kindle, so most of my books come from there, but personally every book worm loves the traditional form whether it be paperback or hardback, if I'm buying a book in physical form I tend to go waterstones, but with that being said I never leave a supermarket without a book!
Have you ever given a book as a gift but wanted to read it first?!
No I always gift books I have read, my friends love getting books that I have read and get to hear what I think of them, sometimes me and my friend Leah, read the same book and message each other in the morning and swoon over our latest book boyfriend. The Messages usually go like this:
Me: OMG did u see that coming!!!! xx
Leah: No F***ing way! I cant wait till my lunch, I need to find out what happens xx
Me: Lunch, screw that I'm reading it now! xx
Leah: Don't YOU dare! if you do don't tell me! xx
Me: You're going to die when you get to chapter 20 *evil laugh* xx
So yeah we have that argument regularly haha!
What do you think makes a realistic/believable character?
Honesty, flaws and humour, I love all books, but nothing satisfies me more than a good old romantic comedy, Chick Lit is my go to genre but I will get lost in many other genres believe me. I like a character that is flawed, that makes mistakes and sometimes just misses the whole point. I recently read a book called You Had Me At Merlot By Lisa Dickenson( shameless plug coming up ) Her tour stops at chicksthatread.com augaust 2nd so check it out please :) Anyway the main character in You Had Me At Merlot was so believeable, she was flawed, she was different and she didnt want love, but sometimes what you want isnt what you get, I loved her sarcasm and humour and I really related to her, so I guess if a character I'm reading about relates to me I believe them even if they are a vampire or a cowboy!
Has a character ever made you not want to finish a book?
Sometimes very occasionally I get irrationally angry at characters, I just want to grab them shake them and say wake up!! Sometimes even getting so frustrated with waiting for the character to realise whats standing right infront of them I close the book/put down my kindle and huff like a child, only to pick it up 2 minutes later haha.
Lastly, why do you love reading so much?
I love travelling, I love adventure and I love romance, with books you can travel thousands of miles, you can climb the highest mountain, you can be on the battlefield and you can fall in love, all without leaving the comfort of your own bed. Books are worlds made of words, and these worlds are created by somebody's imagination and I just think that is such a talent, to transport a reader to a place or make them feel an emotion, is truly a wonderful gift and I think that is just simply Fabulous!
Thanks For Having Lovely & Thanks For Reading.
Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions Taylor. It was great to have you on my blog! Who will be next? Come and see next friday.

1 Kommentare
I loved reading this :).