Guest Post: Friendship in Books by Simona Elena

Friendship in Books by Simona

All books we read all full of magic of all different sorts. There are stories about love, stories surrounding a lot of mystery or stories set in a fantasy world. FRIENDSHIP plays an important in a lot of books, so I though I’d write a little post about it.

Next to the family, friends are the most important people in a character’s life. The main characters seek advice and hang out with their friends. This time is really valuable and the deep bonds in some friendships make the books special and unique. Friends understand each other without words and they know exactly what the other person needs.

The first friendship in books I’d like to talk about is our golden trio from the Harry Potter books. Harry, Ron and Hermione had a special connection and bond from the start. Fighting together and always being there for each other. I was always so happy Harry had his two best friends and they were perfect together.

In Giovanna Fletcher’s second novel You’re The One That I Want to main focus is on friendship. It tells the story of Maddy, Ben and Robert, how their friendship developed and how it all grew into deeper feelings, feelings of love. Maddy being ton between her two best friends and then also one of the guys not getting her and still just wanted her to be happy. Their connection and chemistry was unique and special.

Carmel Harrington created a wonderful group of friends in her debut novel Beyond Grace’s Rainbow. Grace, the main character has cancer and has to deal with some other difficult things in her life. Her group of friends is just amazing. They gave her strength, were there for her the whole way through and they built a strong bond around Grace and her family. Every single one of them had their special role and they always had so much fun together as well. I loved reading about their friendship and all of them had their own little story to tell as well.

A friend doesn’t necessarily have to be someone in the character’s age, it can also be someone older and wiser. Rebecca Raisin showed this in a beautiful way in her Gingerbread Café series. CeeCee isn’t Lily’s biological mother, but she was like a mother figure and was there for Lily all the time.

There are a lot of stories about a character falling in love with his/her best friend. The most amazing and marvellous book I can think of in this category is Holly Martin’s One Hundred Proposals. Suzie is in love with her best friend Harry and then he comes up with this crazy idea of proposing to her in 100 different ways to find out with the perfect one for her is. As a reader we only find out later what Harry’s real reasons are for this… I fell in love with this book instantly and friendship plays a very important role in it.

Last but not least: Book best Friends. There are really some characters out there I’d love to have as my best friend. Aven Ellis, one of my fave authors and a wonderful friend, really has a talent creating characters I can relate to. There is manly Kylie from Waiting For Prince Harry. She’s great and I can see parts of myself in her. There are also two new character’s Aven has created I can really relate to, can’t tell you more about that though. Then there is Hermione of course, I’d love to have her as my best friend. Sarah from The Bookshop on the Corner by Rebecca Raisin is awesome. She has a book blog and her world plays all around books.

Real friends are a treasure and I’m so happy to have each and every one of them in my life. Since I started blogging I’ve meet so many great people and some great friendships developed. I’m really grateful for that.

More information about Simona: Sky's Book Corner / TwitterFacebook 

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