I’m very happy to welcome you on my blog! You can please introduce yourself to my Readers.
My name is Suzanne, I'm 33 years old and I'm from the Netherlands. I'm writing the blog Lavender Likes, Loves, Finds and Dreams. It's my first attempt to write in English and I'm loving it.
Where do we find your blog and how long have you been blogging / reviewing?
You can find my blog on www.librarianlavender.com. I started it in January, but stopped a few weeks later. I missed it and tried it again, but again had to stop. At the end of April I decided to really go for it and since then it's been a lot better.
What is it, you love about reading so much?
I love to enter another world. A good story always makes me happy. I've always read books, I can't imagine my life without them. Stories are very important to me, to read someone else's, but also to invent my own.
Which book do you keep telling yourself you'll read, but you probably won't?
The Hobbit. I once started it in Dutch and didn't like it. I'm trying to convince myself I will like it in English, but I don't think that's going to happen.
If you could switch places with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
I want to be an immortal, someone who will live for a very long time. Any immortal will do. I want to have the memories of past centuries and having a chance to live in the far away future would be great.
Which book has been on your shelf the longest?
Le Rouge et le Noir by Stendhal. I bought it when I was a student and I loved it. I want to reread it at some point.
What do you like to do when you are not reading?
Writing. I'm currently writing a Librarian Lavender novella. I also like online shopping, cooking, hiking, going out for a nice meal and last but not least spending time with my husband. We both like France and we often travel there together.
Where do you hope to see your blog going on the following year?
I never planned very far ahead, I just wanted to write, but I hope someone will be interested in my novels. I would like to keep telling stories and I like reviewing books, so I hope I can recommend many more of them to my readers.
Do you want to write your own book one day?
I'm already doing that and I am currently also finishing two novels I've already written which only need a bit more editing.
Tell me something that you can't help but impulse-buy every time you go shopping.
Books of course! I also like cosmetics and clothes. I have a serious sweater addiction.
Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions Suzanne. It was great to have you on my blog! Who will be next? Come and see next friday.

1 Kommentare
Thank you for having me! xx