What is the Liebster Blog Award?
The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.“Liebster” is German for “favorite”. This award is the “favorite blog award” then.
The Rules
- Thank and link back to the blogger who presented you with the award.
- Tell us 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer 11 random questions.
- Nominate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers who you feel deserve the award.
- Create 11 random questions for your nominees
- Put the Liebster Blog Banner on your blog
Facts about Me
I'll try to tell you something you don't already know.
1. I own 150 books. Mostly Romance and Chick-Lit.
2. My second name is Karina
3. I used to have a lot of pets when I was a kid.
Cats, rabbits, guinea pig and budgies.
4. In secondary school I had to repeat a year.
5. I have a hugh passion for travelling
6. My natural hair colour is blonde.
I dyed them chocolate brown when I broke up with ex a long while ago.
7. I've never got to know my father proberly. He passed away when I was one year old.
8. I have a tattoo, piercings and streatched earlobes.
9. I love soccer and racing motorsport.
10. My birtday is on 16th July.
11. I have an older sister called Marion.
Here are the questions Jess asked:
1. How did you come up with the name for your blog?
I can tell you a scret here now. It was not my idea. I had huge help setting up my blog. Simona and I
were talking a lot about a perfect name for the blog. I didn't want an ordinary name. I wanted something special. We played around with many things and Simona came up with that name and I loved it.
2. What was the last book that made you cry?
I am not really a cryer when it comes to books but I remember the last book what made me cry.
It was What happens in Ireland by Whitney K.E. As the title says, the novel is based in Ireland.
Back in 2010 I lived there for a year working as an Au-Pair. I've never felt in love with a coutry so much. I wish I just could pack my bags and leave. I didn't cry because the story was so sad or anything. It had a huge inpact on me. I knew every place Whitney wrote about and made me very 'homesick' because I miss Ireland dearly. Well and yes, the ending was so romantic I couldn't stop my tears running down my cheeks.
3. What was the last book that made you laugh out loud?
A book that made me laugh out loud. That's a good question. It's actually been a while since I've read such a funny book. I need to pick one up of those again. The last book which made me laugh was probably The Best Thing That Never Happend To Me. It's a brilliant debut novel by Jimmy Rice and Laura Tait. It's a wonderful light hearted, warm story about love and two best friends, with all the up and downs in their lives and lot's of laugh out loud moments.
4. If you could pick one character in a book to be, who would it be and why?
I don't have to think about that too long. Sarah Smith of The Bookshop on the Corner by Rebecca Raisin. It's been a long time since I could releate to a book character in so many ways. Sarah owns a bookshop in Ashford. Her day is pretty much only about books. She lives in her own world with hopes and dreams. One day, she hopes, a man to match Harlequin's romantic heroes, will stop by her bookshop.
5. Is there a book that you really want to and should have read, but just can't bring yourself to start it?
I don't think so. I have lot of books I despreatly want to read but not enough time to read them all yet.
6. If you were stranded on a desert island, what book do you wish you had with you?
This is a really diffifult question. I'd rather wish I had my kindle with me with hundreads of books in it :-)
7. Who is your ultimate favourite book boyfriend, and which actor would you chose to play him in a movie?
Only one? Impossible! Over the past few months I've been reading some fantastic books with pefect book boyfriends in it. I actually made a blog post about it. See my ultimate book boyfriends here.
8. Is there a book that you've read that you really wish you could change the ending?
Oh yes, several times. I've never rewrote the ending though. I just imagined it in my head.
9. What book have you read that you thought you wouldn't like and ended up loving it?
When I think I'm not going to like a book I'm not going to read it. Even though, I had an author request this year where I was not completely sure if I am going to like the book. I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried something new and ended up really liking the book. If you are wondering which one it was. It was Gale Martin's 'Who Killed Tom Jones'.
10. What's your idea of a perfect summer read?
It seems like everyone has their idea of what a great summer read is. Usually it's light and fluffy, or, if it's a bit more complicated, at least it's not so complicated that you get a headache. A great summer read often involves swoontastic romance or exhilirating adventure. On my Summer to be read list is for example, Paige Toons 'Thirteen Weddings' or Lindsey Kelks 'What a Girl Wants'.
Do you want to write your own book one day?
I am actually one of very few bloggers who don't want to be a writer. I very enjoy writing reviews but that's all. I love sharing my thought about books I've read but I have never desired to write my own novel. I used to write Fan-Fictions many years ago. I rently went through a couple of those and thought how aweful they are :D
For several reasons I am not going to nominate another bunch of bloggers. In my first Liebster Award blog post I've nominated everyone I wanted to be nominated. It turned out only 2 of the nominated bloggers actually made up their post. That's pretty sad.

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