I’m very happy to welcome you on my blog! You can please introduce yourself to my readers.
Hi Isabell. Thank you for having me; it’s a privilege to be featured on your Friday Friends! My name is Holly, I live in Warwickshire in the Midlands with my three cheeky but lovely miniature Dachshunds, Rufus, Rolo and Dennis. I’m 24 years young and I work as a Library Assistant. I own a lot of books, shoes and handbags & I’m a huge animal lover.
How did you got into book reviewing and how did you ended up reviewing for GirlsLoveToRead and Chicksthatread?
I have been an avid viewer of book blogs for a few years now & one of the first I discovered was Girls Love to Read. I regularly visited the site to get recommendations, discover new authors and I was intrigued to see what other people thought of the books that I had read. I was browsing one day when I saw a post asking for guest reviewers and I just thought – why not? I have always loved writing and book reviews combined two of my favourite things – reading AND writing. I had to send an example review in to apply and I wrote about The Mummyfesto by Linda Green. This was over a year ago now and I have loved every minute of being a reviewer for Girls Love to Read.
My position reviewing for Chicks That Read has only just come about after I decided I wanted to expand my reviewing and do as much as I could & I’m really pleased that Tay has let me be part of her fabulous team!
Have you ever considered setting up a blog for your own?
Well...it’s funny you should say that, because I just have! www.bookaholicconfessions.wordpress.com – Bookaholic Confessions. I was feeling inspired by all of those fabulous book blogs out there & everyone was so encouraging when I mentioned I would like to start my own, so I did! I really appreciate how hard all of the lovely book bloggers out there work & at the moment it’s completely a work in progress but please drop by to say hello! I found it quite scary taking the plunge but it’s up and running now. If I could have a fraction of the success that all my fellow book bloggers have had I’ll be made up!
How involved are you with author/reader interaction in the online world? How do you feel about it?
I only signed up to Twitter a couple of months ago but already I am addicted and completely love the interaction with both authors and other book bloggers/reviewers. I think it’s lovely when an author takes the time to read your review and comments on it or thanks you. I follow all of my favourite authors on Twitter and I’m always so happy to interact with them. I think it’s a brilliant platform for spreading the word about your favourite books & up and coming releases. What did we do before social media?
What is your favorite genre and why?
Without a doubt my favourite genre is CHICK LIT. I absolutely love it and I always have done. I have always believed that reading should be for pleasure; people should read whatever they want and not be ashamed or embarrassed by it. If you like it then READ IT! It’s such a shame that chick lit has such negative connotations– the same with adults reading YA. I read for an escape, to laugh, to fall in love with the characters, to unwind and chick lit provides me with all of those things. I’m a girly girl who likes all things pink so a sparkly cover is always a bonus for me too! As much as I love chick lit, working in a library has given me the opportunity to try other genres too and I do enjoy the odd bit of crime, thrillers, YA and non-fiction now too.
Have you ever read a book more than once?
I will re-read some of my favourite books, but it has to be pretty special for me to do this. On the whole I don’t tend to do much re-reading, especially as there are so many news books waiting to be discovered and then you’ve got your books to review... I will make an exception for my favourites though. I’ll happily re-read Sophie Kinsella’s Shopaholic series at ANY TIME...
What do you love about your job as a Library Assistant?
So many things! For starters – FREE BOOKS! I can order any book in from any library in my county for free, I get to see all of the new books we get in before everyone else & I can pre-order any new releases. Needless to say, I love it. I also love talking with customers about books and recommending my favourite books and authors. I get to meet and help such a wide variety of people too; ANYONE can have a library card and use the services that we provide. If you’re reading this & haven’t got a library card then please visit your local library. All you need to do is use your library, every visit and issue counts. You might be surprised at some of the services that libraries offer now – they are a million miles away from strict Librarians with glasses on the end of their noses telling everyone to ‘Shh’. Along with one of my colleagues I run a Chatterbooks group which is a reading group for 8-11 year olds and we make A LOT of noise...believe me.
Do you have a lucky charm?
I do have little trinkets, photographs and bits and bobs that mean a lot to me though. I guess they are my lucky charms and I like to keep them around me at all times.
What do you like to do in your free time besides reading?
Besides reading I love creative writing. Growing up it was my dream to become a writer and I still love having a go at writing stories or poetry now but I don’t tend to do as much as I used to. My three dogs are a very important part of my life and I love taking them for a stroll across the fields. Aside from that I like pretty much the usual things; films, music, and shopping! I have a very large shoe collection that I am rather proud of.
What do you look for in life? Love? Happiness? Success?
Love, happiness and success are all very important parts of life, not necessarily in that order. I also believe that it’s important to just be nice. There’s way too much cruelty and nastiness around in the world. Why can’t everyone just be NICE? Do what makes you happy. Be nice and work hard...
Do you prefer eBooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
Definitely paperbacks, followed by hardbacks and then e-books. I think that e-books are amazing and my Kindle is packed full of lots of exciting books waiting to be read. I like how e-books are weightless as I always tend to be lugging a book around with me, and I also love how cheap they are but I don’t think that you can beat a physical book in your hands. The cover, the feel, the smell, just everything. Given the choice, definitely paperbacks.
Lastly, do you think it matters what others think of you?
I would love to say no this question. My ideal self would say no, but I think if everyone’s honest then they do to a certain extent. As long as you are happy with yourself then that should be all that matters and one day I will learn to live by this rule myself!
Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions Holly. It was great to have you on my blog! Who will be next? Come and see next friday.
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