Hello! I’m Lisa and I run a blog that is heavily book based but also covers topics such as my love of cats and baking. When I’m not reading or blogging I work full time as a designer for a big corporate company!
Where do we find your blog and how long have you been blogging / reviewing?
You can find my blog at www.leeleeloves.co.uk I’ve been blogging for approximately one and a half years.
It all came about when Kirsty of Penguins lovely @EditorialGirls sent me a very early advance copy of Giovanna Fletchers Billy and Me, along with Lucy Robinsons Passionate Love Affair with a Total Stranger for a summer holiday. Upon receiving them K asked to know what I thought of them and so I started a blog. I never really knew about book blogging until that point.
Describe a day in your life!
Ha, it’s not very exciting, honest! I go to work in a big busy office but best of all I get to do the job I love, I spend a lot of my time in meetings thrashing out ideas and coming up with concepts for our next campaigns and packaging, from their I’ll take it to my desk and start creating.
When I return home from work I spend my time curled up reading with my two giant fluffy cats.
When did you know you want to become a graphic/web designer?
At around the age of 13 I knew I wanted to do something creative using Adobe Creative Suite on daily basis, from learning Photoshop in an afterschool photography club I became a little obsessed. I went on to study Multimedia Design in college where I found a passion for illustration and web design and took this with me to University where I studied Design for Digital Media, I was very lucky to land a job as a Junior Creative in a Leeds based design agency straight out of university, I commuted for two years from Manchester to Leeds to gain the experience I needed and worked on big brand names I could never have imagined!
I never went through the phase of wanting to be a princess or a fire fighter as a child, I actually told my parents I wanted a job with my own desk where I could draw pictures all day. Not releasing it could technically be a real job I think I got pretty close!
What are some of your favorite things about blogging and what don’t you like about it?
The blogging community are so lovely I think they are my favourite part, both the bloggers and authors. I never knew how much authors interacted with their fans until I found myself ‘in the loop’ and asking them for information on their latest writing projects.
My least favourite part are those weeks, yes weeks not days, where I can’t find the motivation to blog at all. I’ll still be reading but I can’t find the time or willpower to put into words what I thought. It makes you feel awful taking so long to put up a review.
Of course I also love the free books, who doesn’t? I used to find myself parting with around £70 a month in my local book store and that has decreased dramatically, sorry guys!
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
I definitely prefer hard cover; I love the feel of a hardback book. I know many people hate them for being big and bulky but I would have every book in HB if I could. I read many books on my ipad and have hundreds of eBooks but I love feeling all forms of printed books, I get really nerdy and start assessing the laminate and type of paper stock used for the covers.
I really really love embossing and spot UV too. Its kind of sexy, in a print related kind of way ;)
Have you ever been to any book signings? If so, which authors did you meet?
I’ve been to a few signings and my most recent have been to meet Graeme Simsion author of The Rosie Project - he was so funny and such a nice gent.
I also met David Levithan author of one of my all time favourite YA novels Boy Meets Boy, I had him sign my 1st edition HB and nearly died of happiness.
Who is your most favorite character and why?
Is this a real question? I’m not sure I could possibly decide!
Probably Hermione Granger, I absolutely adore her. Hermione was like my fictional role model growing up, probably why I was such a nerd.
Do you have a favorite book cover? Choose up to 3 if you like.
I have a few favourites; three of my most recent are the cover to Ten Things I’ve Learnt About Love by Sarah Butler, Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher and possibly all of the Penguin and Puffin Classic Deluxe editions. Coralie Bickford-Smith illustrated many of these and she is AMAZING!
Share a blogging tipp!
Don’t be afraid to tell the truth!
Don’t feel like you either can’t post something because it is negative or that you have to fake a positive. Honest reviews are best as long as it’s all relative to your feelings on the book, don’t turn into a demon and start slating the author. You might not enjoy a piece of their work but don’t blame them, be honest and polite about it.
Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions Lisa. It was great to have you on my blog! Who will be next? Come and see next friday.

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