Friends Friday: Emma Louise of Emma Lou Book Blog


I’m very happy to welcome you on my blog! You can please introduce yourself to my readers.

I'm Emma Louise and I'm a UK Book Blogger. I love books and anything to do with Harry Potter/Daniel Radcliffe.

Where do we find your blog and how long have you been blogging / reviewing? is where you can find me :) I've been blogging for a year this month. It hasn't been the best year but I'm still here, reviewing.

What is it that you love the most about being a reader?

Getting to know the authors is a big deal for me. I love knowing a little bit about them, engaging with them on Twitter. Escaping to a new world is a must for me.

What are some of your hobbies, besides reading?

I write in my spare time. I attend concerts. I collect key rings.

You have met many great authors in the past. Is there still any author you’d like to meet?

I've met Paige Toon, Siobhan Curham, Nathan Filer, Adele Parks and Tom Rob Smith. My dream author/reader meet is with JK Rowling and Nicholas Sparks.

Where do you prefer to buy your books?

Either ASDA/Tesco (English supermarkets), The Works, Waterstones or Amazon.

What book do you know that you will never read?

50 Shades Of Grey. I got a lot of hate for this on Twitter a while ago. It's a personal taste and people need to realise that. Some people will never read Harry Potter but I won't dislike them because of it. Readers have opinions. People seem to forget that quite a lot.

Have you read a book that you would like to rewrite the ending of?

Yes. This has happened several times. I've never rewrote the ending though. I don't think that's pleasant for the author.

Where is your favourite place to read?

In bed or in a comfy chair. Recently, I've been travelling quite a lot so I've got used to reading on trains, buses and planes.

You are hosting a dinner party and must invite 3 authors. Who would you choose and why?

JK Rowling because I love her. Simple. Nicholas Sparks because he's my writing idol. Matthew Quick because he's a genius.

Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions Emma. It was great to have you on my blog! Who will be next? Come and see next friday. 

1 Kommentare

  1. Woo! I love Emma. So glad she's been featured on your blog. :)

    Amanda at Adventures from the Bookshelf xx
