Author Interview - Paige Toon

It’s my absolute pleasure to be welcoming Paige Toon my blog for my first author interview!

I’ve been a fan of Paige ever since I read and loved her debut novel Lucy In The Sky, but I eagerly await each of Paige's books every year, because I just know they are going to be amazing reads, and she's never let me down yet! Paige was kind enough to answer some of my burning questions for her, so do enjoy, and I once again thank Paige for taking the time to answer these for me!

The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson, your first Young Adult book, is going to be release soon. Are you excited?

Very! I loved writing this book - Jessie is such a fun, feisty character, so I can't wait to hear what my readers think of her, too.

What can your reader expect of the book? Tell us a little bit about it!

Jessie's mother died 6 months ago, taking the secret of Jessie's real father's identity with her to the grave - or so Jessie thinks. She's angry and bitter and upset, and then she finds out her real dad is a world-famous rock star. Can you imagine the shock and excitement? She certainly goes on a rollercoaster of a journey...

Is there a difference between writing a chick-lit novel or a book for young teens?

Not as much as you'd think! This is very much my own style, with the only difference being that I had to err on the side of caution with Jessie's smoking and drinking.

Are you going to write more YA books?

Yes, I have one, maybe three more books in the Jessie series, so we'll see how it goes.   

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

In 2013 I wrote two full-length books and one 17k ebook and started another book project so I was BUSY! All of these projects required rounds of editing and promotion and I'm expecting this year to be just as busy!

What does your family think of you being a writer?

They're very proud. My parents know that it's the first thing I ever wanted to be when I was a child, and they can see how happy it makes me so that makes them happy.

What comes first? The character's story or the idea for the novel?

The idea usually. Ideas are always popping into my head but one will take hold and develop as I'm writing the book that comes before it.

Are there any news on Chasing Daisy being turned into a movie? When I was still a member of The Toonies there was a shout out to all fans to write on the company facebook page who bought the rights. A lot of fans posted on their wall but unfortunately they didn’t react at all.

I'm afraid it's all gone very quiet on that front, but you guys were so cool for trying to take it into your own hands!

Your first book “Lucy in the Sky” was published in 2007. You’ve sold many copies of your books so far. Do you know how many you’ve sold via Amazon and the local book stores by now?

I think I've sold well over a quarter of a million copies.

What would you been doing now if “Lucy in the Sky” would not have been a success? 
Hopefully I'd still be writing - self-publishing maybe!

Any last thoughts for our readers?

Just a very big, heartfelt thank you. You all blow me away with your dedication and amazing messages on Twitter (@PaigeToonAuthor) and - please keep them coming and stay tuned to for news of signings and news!

Please pre-order Paige's first YA novel
"The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson"
out on 30th of January

Amazon UK

Thank you all for reading this!

2 Kommentare

  1. I enjoyed reading this a lot! Three cheers for the wonderful Paige!

  2. Great questions, that was really interesting to read :)
