Welcome to Carina Author week a week full of Reviews, Guest Posts, Author Interviews and Giveaways, all about published authors by Carina UK. I'm delighted to welcome my first guest, Fiona Collins, author of A Year of Being Single and Cloudy with a Chance of Love.
How was your publishing route with Carina?
Thank you for having me on your blog, Isabell! Well, it was all quite a whirlwind, really. I sent the manuscript for A Year of Being Single to Carina one Monday morning, and got a call from them on the Friday offering me a two book deal. I was shocked but ecstatic (this is an understatement!). Then came the hard work - writing and editing and re-writing and editing, but it has been hugely enjoyable and I’m so grateful to Carina for believing in me.
You have two wonderful books called, A Year of Being Single and Cloudy with a Chance of Love in the pipeline since you signed a deal with Carina. How did it feel to publish your books and what has your experience since then been?
Publishing my books felt as you might imagine: fantastic, thrilling, beyond exciting and also quite scary – you don’t know how a book is going to be received until it’s Out There. I have LOVED the whole experience and hope to do it again and again!
What can you tell us about your books?
Thank you for having me on your blog, Isabell! Well, it was all quite a whirlwind, really. I sent the manuscript for A Year of Being Single to Carina one Monday morning, and got a call from them on the Friday offering me a two book deal. I was shocked but ecstatic (this is an understatement!). Then came the hard work - writing and editing and re-writing and editing, but it has been hugely enjoyable and I’m so grateful to Carina for believing in me.
You have two wonderful books called, A Year of Being Single and Cloudy with a Chance of Love in the pipeline since you signed a deal with Carina. How did it feel to publish your books and what has your experience since then been?
Publishing my books felt as you might imagine: fantastic, thrilling, beyond exciting and also quite scary – you don’t know how a book is going to be received until it’s Out There. I have LOVED the whole experience and hope to do it again and again!
What can you tell us about your books?
I want to write books that are funny and true to women’s lives. I hope that readers will laugh and not be able to put the book down. I dream of seeing dozens of people on sun loungers round a pool on holiday, all reading one of my books! I like to write the kind of books I would love to read myself.
Did you always want to be a writer?
No, it’s not something I ever dreamed of, but I always loved writing, whether it be essays at school and university or, later on, writing scripts for TV. I only decided to give novel writing a go after I read Marian Keyes’ The Other Side of the Story and wondered, did I have a book in me..?
Is writing your main source of income, I read lots of articles saying writers make no money! Can you survive on book writing alone? If not, what else do you do?
Yes, it is. I have another job, though, the very important and nerve-wracking job of successfully bringing up three children…writing often pales into insignificance against that gargantuan task!
What inspires you?
Oh, so many things. Women’s lives, TV, films, other writers and other fantastic books. I’m easily inspired!
Do you have a special place where you go to write?
Not particularly; I can write anywhere, if I have to. I did some editing on A Year of Being Single in the corner of a hotel room in Florida whilst my children and husband slept, before a day of Disneying. I even did some on the plane home, which made me feel all writer-ly and mysterious! At home, if I want to get serious and write a lot in one go, I head to the study. It’s nice and quiet and dark in there and far from the fridge!
What is the best thing about writing?
Freedom, fun, making things up and inventing gorgeous men that I can do what I like with!
Are you a reader yourself? What are you reading at the moment?
I certainly am; I get through at least one book a week. I’m currently reading Nick Spalding’s Bricking It, and I tend to flick between chick lit, psychological thrillers and women’s fiction. I’m a big fan of Amanda Prowse and am looking forward to reading her new novel.
Lastly, what is next for you? Are you writing on something at the moment? Can we expect another book that you will publish with Carina?
I’m currently having fun writing a third book for Carina, called Four Bridesmaids and a White Wedding, which is out next April!

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