Friends Friday: Sam of The Book Corner

I’m very happy to welcome you on my blog! You can please introduce yourself to my readers. Where do we find your blog and how long have you been blogging / reviewing?

Thanks for having me! O.K. You can find my blog - I began reviewing almost a year ago (head over to my blog soon for a big birthday giveaway!!) I have always read a lot of books and decided that I may as well help other pick their next read and this is why I decided to start blogging.

What is your favorite genre and why?

This has to be chick lit, and this is the genre I started reading. It's light hearted and fun, perfect for reading on the beach! However I also enjoy Thriller/Crime, Women's fiction/Young adult and travel.

How many books do you own? How is your book collection organized?

I can not answer this question I have too many to count, I recently bought a new bookshelf to get the books off of the floor, this is now full and there are still piles of books around the place. They are organised in author, however review books are all at the front identifying those I need to read ASAP.

If you could turn any one book into a film, which book would you choose and which actors would you cast?

I am normally disappointed with film adaptations as they are never like they are meant to be in my head. So I am unsure of this and I wouldn't want to spoil the book.

What is it you love most about reading?

It transports me into another world and I get to forget my own problems and situations for a while.

Where is your favorite place to read?

I can read anywhere and do like sitting in the garden in the summer, however my most comfortable place is sitting on my bed.

What was the latest book that made you cry?

I know, I know I'm really awful but I am yet to cry when reading a book. Unfortunately I don't become emotional like that when reading.

Have you ever read about a setting in a book you wished you could be there and visited that place after reading the book?

Yes!!! This normally happens in chick lits/women's fiction when the book is set somewhere exotic such as About a Girl - Lindsey Kelk is set in Hawaii! Get me on that plane now!!!

Have you ever given away a book for a special reason to a special person?

Yes, I regularly give my books away once I have read them if I am not collecting for the author or something. I am currently handing them to a friends mum who is going through cancer, I understand myself as I also am receiving chemo how boring it can be with nothing to occupy your mind. So both I am thankful I began my blog and have been sent wonderful books to review to stop me going stir crazy, and she is thankful I pass them to her.

Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions Sam. It was great to have you on my blog! Who will be next? Come and see next friday.

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