2017 – 10 Goals to Keep me Focused!


Oh what a year 2016 has been! Eventful to say the least. It had its ups and downs but all in all it was a good year. I travelled to some really nice places, which brought me nothing but happiness. I've also been served some L's but I turned those losses into lessons and got right back up. This year I decided to set myself new goals and put them in a blog post so I can look back at this later on and see if I achieved them. Here are 10 things that I hope will contribute to making 2017 my best year so far!
Here is a short flashback of goals and wishes I shared in 2015 for 2016.
Get my driving license ✓ (completed in September)
Buy a car ✓ (Citroen C1 Sport Edition)
Make a huge vision board ✓(Love that wall in my room!)
Go to Concerts ✓ (I've been to 8 cocerts in 2016)
Keep my blog up to date / post regularly ✓ (There are ups & downs but I at leat post once a week)
Travel more ✓ (I've visited places in 6 contries all over Europe) 
Go to the gym at least 2 times a week ✓ (kind of completed; managed this until September 2016, then I unfortunately got more and more back in to my old routine)

In progress

Detox Diet for 1 week (I've ordered juices for a 3-day juice fast. I'll starting next Weekend)Lose 55 pounds (It's a long journey. I lost my mojo a few months ago but I'll be back on track soon!)

Not completed

Move out, Take a month off sugar, drink more water, Fall in love and be happy, Get another tattoo,  Try a new haircut,  Move up in my career,  Get a manicure, Write a letter to myself and open it in ten years,  Attend a Blogger event in the UK, Clear my NetGalley shelf, Visit Ireland again, Disneyland Paris, Plan a Christmas trip with my mother, Do a Come and Dine with Me competition with my best friends, Take an epic road trip, Go on a spa day with friends.

You see, here is still so much for to do! These will remain on my list to be completed but I have lots of things coming up in 2017 which I’m so excited for and I have lots of goals that I am ready to achieve next year, so are you ready to catch up on my 2016 goals & see what I have in store for you in 2017? Let’s go!

Get back on track with my weightloss journey

I've started going to the gym in September 2015. I was so motivated, I went to the gym 2-3 times a week, had a good and healthy plans for my eating. It was a hard journey but things were going very well for the first 10 months. Then I got more and more on my plate, so I couldn't bring myself to go to the gym regularly anymore. Since October I got back to my old routine more and more. I have not been to the gym for over a month now. One reason is that I am not happy with the gym I am going to. I am mad with myself that I led it all happen. There is a time for a change!

My company is part of a group and the mother company is offering company sport to everyone who works in that group. When the broucher of the sport offerings landed in my hands in Novemer 2016 I thought, WHY THE HELL NOT, try it and make a change. I signed up for Aqua Fitness and a class where I learn about food, cooking and we're also doing workout lessons. These classes started last week and are fun, I am glad I made that step and I hope I can motivate myself for a healthy life again.

Blog Move and Makeover

I will move my blog to my own URL address with wordpress. With the time I disliked Blogger more and more. So I decided to move to wordpress. You might think, why a makeover again? I know I had a makeover just a few months ago. I realized it's was not the best solution and it's not the layout I see my blog in the future. The move makeover will take place around March. I bought my URL with webhosting and also my new theme. I also choose an Illustrator who is going to help me with my header. There is so much work to do but I am excited for this change!

Get a plan what I want to in the future

I like my job, it's close to home and a long-term working place. I'd be stupid to through that away but it's not something I want to do forever. I am working in a indutrial company in the marketing.  I am happy with my job as a media designer but the ever day topics are very technical and it's all about screws. I am struggeling with those topics because I am just not interested in them. Sometimes I'm doing different project as the company magazine, designs for giveaways and more but that is not life fullfilling for me. I have dreams and wishes, I just don't know how to bring them to life. I’d like to work at a relatively small publishing house (design book covers, promotion banners, intetact on Twitter, develop strategies to release ans promot books and so much more) If anyone has tipps or ideas for me, please shout in the comments or drop me an email.

Living on my own

Hello independence! While all is very well and good living with my mother, I would like to move out at some point in 2017. It's not number one priority but with 26 it's about time. I like to have my own flat and be ressponsible for it, make my own choices and tidy up whenever I want!

Be more creative

Over 10 years ago, I had a most beloved printmaking teacher who constantly exclaimed, “Art is hard!” I get that now. Creating anything is hard. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying. The pain of completing projects can be on par with root canals. Showing up and actually doing the work is almost all sweat and tears. Eighty percent of realizing any idea comes down to showing up.

Ideas can come easy — those are the little things that float into your brain while in the shower or taking a walk. I have a really bad habit of saying an idea out loud, and then convincing myself I’m no longer responsible for carrying that idea to fruition. This is only so satisfying; ideas continue to fester in the back of the brain until I face them once and for all. This is why it’s time to show up.

In addition to showing up, my goal for 2017 is to focus on what’s worth doing. I have so many ideas — most stupid, some exciting — that I’ve reached a critical mass. I feel pulled in multiple directions. Until we’re able to build personal armies of clones, we won’t be able to accomplish everything in this lifetime. So I want to become more ruthless, letting go of ideas that aren’t worth my time. Further, some ideas that come to you simply aren’t ready. Write down those ideas, then toss them back in the ocean. When they’re ready, they’ll wash back on shore.


I think almost every single book blogger can agree with this, but I’ve got to get my Netgalley shelf under control. I might have not as many books as some other blogger, but it's still a lot to me. I think there are about 30 books I think. I’m not requesting anything new until I make a huge dent in my TBR there. 

Be more organized

I'm not the most organized person. Not at home, not in work, neither in blogging. I want to change that. I have to find a way that works for me. Do I need more lists? Get my self together? What's your way to be organized?

Read more paperbacks

I need to get my unread paperbacks down! I want to read at least one or two book every month from my personal TBR, not just because it needs to be reviewed ASAP. I want a no pressure read, I did start this whole thing for fun after all. 

Get a bookshelf

This goal can only be completed when I move out. Sadly I am very limited with my space in my room. I don't have enough space for a new bookshelf. When I move out I dream of buying a bookshelf where all my books fit in.

Complete Goodreas Goal

It was very difficult for me to meet my goal of reading 50 books in 2016. Nevertheless, I am happy I achieved it. I set me goal to 55 books this year. It is going to be a real challenge. Let's see how that will go.
Let me know in the comments below what you are hoping to achieve in 2017! 

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